Our members have a wide range of concerns about Highbury Fields and the surrounding neighbourhood. The Committee represents their concerns to the responsible authorities in the appropriate forum.
With more than thirty years experience of dealing with the local authority, we have built excellent working relationships with Councillors and Council officers who respect our opinions and often seek them before proposals are brought forward.
And year on year there seem to be more and more matters to exercise us.
So that we don’t neglect anything, we have set up a number of sub-groups which look into specific areas in greater detail.
The sub-groups then report back to the Committee where we decide how we should respond.
Amenities covers the condition and maintenance of the Fields, trees and turf, footpaths and desire lines, the facilities offered, events on the Fields and the problems of litter and irresponsible dog owners. This sub-group is also concerned with the implementation of the Vision for Highbury Fields and the enjoyment of the fields.
We are interested in what you have to say with regard to the amenities on the Fields. To email us about any issues you have with anything on the list, please go to contact us
Planning and Conservation monitors planning applications which impinge upon the Fields or affect the character and infrastructure of the surrounding area, much of which is located within designated Conservation Areas.
Roads and Traffic is concerned with the flow of traffic around the Fields and neighbouring streets, traffic calming measures, pedestrian and cycling priorities and access, by whatever means, to the Fields.
The Roads and Traffic Subgroup considers transport issues for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists in the network of streets surrounding Highbury Fields bounded by Highbury Corner, Holloway Road, Drayton Park, Aubert Park, Highbury Park, Highbury Grove and St. Paul’s Road.
In particular we monitor the impact of traffic on the amenity value of the Fields, coordinate HFA responses to Council consultations on local traffic related schemes as they arise, work to protect the Fields from any negative impact of through traffic and look at parking and maintenance of roads and paving.
Communications and Publicity is responsible for promoting the Association to the wider public, communication and consultation with our members, liaison with other local groups and the development and upkeep of this website.
The Communications and Publicity sub-group aims to communicate both with members and non members, and to publicise the Highbury Fields Association (HFA).
We want the website to be a place where you can find out about Highbury Fields and the HFA; where you can join the Association, and hear about events, issues and facilities on the Fields.
We are looking for new ideas and suggestions about what you would like the website to include - we would really welcome any photos. You can communicate by email with the Association and send us your photos through this website (go to contact us).
Policing and Crime liaises with the local police on matters of safety and crime prevention around the Fields.
We meet to discuss matters of safety, crime and anti-social behaviour in the area.
We raise our concerns at occasional informal meetings with our local Safer Neighbourhood officers, and at formal Ward Panel meetings of our Highbury East Safer Neighbourhoods Team; these are attended by other local residents representing local shops, schools, housing estates etc.
If you have any on-going concerns that you would like to raise, you can contact either the HFA, or our local Safer Neighbourhood Officers via www.met.police.uk/area/your-area/met/islington/highbury
Procedure ensures that we operate effectively within our Constitution.
In 2008 we introduced new rules and responsibilities for committee members to help spread the work load.
Early in 2009 we drew up some guidelines for the sub-groups to help them contribute to the work of the committee.
We advised on how and when they should meet and how they should deliver their reports.